Friday, December 17, 2010
Learn about Android Graphics & Animations from Google's Android UI Toolkit team
Learn how to create awesome visuals and animations from Android UI Toolkit engineers, Romain Guy and Chet Haase.
In this presentation Romain and Chet will drill down into architecture, graphics and animations. You'll also get a look at some of the new Android API's coming in these areas.
** Get the slides from the event at **
Didn't make it to Devoxx 2K10? Well find out what you might have missed, as this is the same presentation Romain and Chet delivered at Devoxx. Through demos, slides, and code exmamples you will:
- get a detailed look at the Android architecture
- learn about formats, and how to optimize for performance
- get a few points on what's coming in Gingerbread
- learn about drawing tools (Paints, Shaders, ColorFilters, Xfermodes, and Bitmaps)
- How you can take advantage of animation to spice up your UI
** see more videos and tutorials on open source at: **